How do I renew materials?


You can renew your materials 3 ways:

  • by phone - (807) 475-6219,
  • by email
  • log into your account

To log into your account:

  1. Go to Search All Resources.
  2. "Sign in" to the library using your Confederation College username and password using the 'Sign In' link in the top right hand corner.
  3. When you are logged in, your name will appear in the top right hand corner of the screen. From there, select 'My Loans' from the drop down menu.
  4. Click 'Renew' and, if the renewal is permitted, the item due date will be updated; otherwise, the request will be denied and you will have to return the material.

Dropdown menu seen under user name in Primo.



  • You cannot renew items that are past-due.
  • You can only renew an item(s) twice, then the material must be returned.
  • If someone else places a hold/requests the book, the renewal will not be permitted.
  • If you want to renew your books online, it must done be within 3 days of the due date.

  • Last Updated Aug 02, 2022
  • Views 33
  • Answered By Sarah Walker

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