How do I renew materials?
You can renew your materials 3 ways:
- by phone - (807) 475-6219,
- by email
- log into your account
To log into your account:
- Go to Search All Resources.
- "Sign in" to the library using your Confederation College username and password using the 'Sign In' link in the top right hand corner.
- When you are logged in, your name will appear in the top right hand corner of the screen. From there, select 'My Loans' from the drop down menu.
- Click 'Renew' and, if the renewal is permitted, the item due date will be updated; otherwise, the request will be denied and you will have to return the material.
- You cannot renew items that are past-due.
- You can only renew an item(s) twice, then the material must be returned.
- If someone else places a hold/requests the book, the renewal will not be permitted.
- If you want to renew your books online, it must done be within 3 days of the due date.