How do I place a hold on a material?


Use the following steps to place a hold on a library material:

  1. Go to Search All Resources.
  2. "Sign in" to the library using your Confederation College username and password using the link in the top right hand corner.
  3. Using the search bar, look up the title you wish to put on hold or "Request."
  4. Under the "Get It" section of the book listing, select "Request".
  5. A request form will then pop up, and ask for your desired pick up date.
  6. On the date you pick, you will be able to go to the Public Service Desk at the library to retrieve the material.


Get it Section

Image of the Get It section of a book listing.


Request Form

Primo form for requesting a pick up date for a library material (e.g. book)

  • Last Updated Aug 02, 2022
  • Views 70
  • Answered By Sarah Walker

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